Help us change our community
your donation makes a huge difference to vulnerable children & families
We raise funds in the community in order to:
Provide additional support to our clients.
In the last year we have been able to give weighted blankets to children who have experienced trauma, which research evidence shows helps them settle and manage their emotions.
Improve our physical environment.
We want to do more to help children and families feel safe and comfortable, including upgrading our outdoor and play spaces, and creating a purpose-built therapy room. We hope to move to bigger, purpose-built premises in the next two years and we need to start saving for that too.
Reach more children in need.
We know many more children and families could benefit from the intensive support of the Jannawi Family Program, including in additional parts of Sydney. And we would love to offer our Community Connections program to more families and in extra languages.
Jannawi's core program funding is provided by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice.
We are so grateful, and thank every single one of our generous donors - past, present and future.

There are many ways for you and your community to raise funds for Jannawi.
A workplace giving program is an efficient way for organisations and their staff to give back to their communities.
Please talk with us about making Jannawi your charity of choice.

Empowering Families Through Safety Planning
Breaking the Cycle of Trauma and Homelessness: A Story of Strength and Resilience
Strength in Connection – Responding to Family Crisis
Creating Safety
Angela’s Story
Peter’s Story