Jannawi shares its expertise through a range of training packages delivered to government agencies and other clients, and can customise programs to the needs of individual organisations.

We invite you to give us a call and speak to us regarding any professional development or training required and we would be happy to tailor a program to meet this need. Areas include child sexual abuse, working therapeutically with children, supporting victims of family violence and trauma informed interventions.
To Mesh and to Mould: Full Day Program
This program focuses on cultural self-awareness and the importance of workers knowing their own culture in order to effectively engage with other cultures. It also introduces ‘the culture of violence’ as a concept which opens up discussion and effective engagement regarding domestic and family violence in culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
Child Protection: Full Day Program
This program provides an overview of child abuse and neglect and outlines a therapeutic framework to intervene with families at risk. This includes a philosophy and principles in talking with children about risk, an understanding of coercive control, safety planning and having difficult conversations with parents. It will also assist workers to develop their own professional stance regarding violence and abuse. Reflections and small group work will build confidence and ensure workers can walk away with a range of practical tools they can use.
Trauma Informed Intervention: Full or Half Day Program
This half day program outlines the key concepts of trauma informed practice from a socially constructed perspective, rather than a medical model. It discusses some of the issues that arise with traditional service delivery and invites participants to be mindful of childhood trauma as an underlying issue when working with people and families at risk.
But He’s a Good Dad
Keeping a focus on fathers who use violence
Vicarious Trauma or Spiritual Harm
Supporting professionals working with risk